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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Our Survey Says...

Our Trust recently ran a parents’ survey for all its schools via a company called Edurio. The survey asked standard questions and was completely anonymous.


How does Dosthill compare to other primary schools (in 2022/23) as a benchmark?

How does Dosthill compare to the other schools in the Fierté Trust in 2023/2024 as a benchmark?

 As with all surveys of this nature, the written comments were more revealing than the percentage outcomes. Below are written summaries representing common themes.

What are we going to do?

Why are we going to do it?


  • Upgrade our Information System to include a built-in app for parent access and communication in 2024/2025.
  • Improve the flow and checking of emails further – giving as much clarity and notice as possible.
  • Set out clear times for teachers to be available to see face-to-face or talk with them via video or telephone.

Communication overall has improved, but there is a need for greater consistency and proactivity from individual teachers. More readily available ways to communicate digitally (other than emails) would be welcomed. There are still times when detail is vague in emails, or emails appear to be contradictory. As much notice as possible for things would be appreciated. Simplifying or summarising lengthy letters or emails would be welcome. Some parents feel they receive information that isn’t always applicable to them. Within the current system, parents prefer emails (80%) followed by text messages (39%), and then face-to- face (30%). A few people suggested using other digital platforms or apps that rule-out the need for more formal emails.

Pupils’ Learning, Progress, and Development

  • Revise how parents’ evenings run, including opportunities to see pupils’ work.
  • Redevelop report templates both in 2024 and 2025 following feedback.
  • Conduct a ‘root and branch’ review of ‘homework’ based on research and evidence.

In general, parents feel there is now a better understanding of what pupils are learning, but not how well they are learning it. Parents’ evenings are twice a year and sometimes feel rushed. Opportunities to see work across the whole curriculum homework still needs a lot of focus – its purpose and its impact. They’d like to hear more about their child’s social and personal development alongside their academic progress. Parents would like more curriculum workshops or information about how things are taught – there needs to be follow-up when events do take place. Written reports need to be more personalised, with the emphasis taken off jargon and figures and more detail about progress. That said, they want to know more about the assessment and marking cycles.

Behaviour, Rewards and Notification

  • Use pupil voice to continue to develop reward systems.
  • Ensure more verbal and written communication from teachers for positive behaviour for learning.

Behaviour is much improved, but you’re most likely to hear about negative behaviour in person and good behaviour from stickers or certificates rather than in person from the teachers. There is still an issue where compliant, consistent, well-mannered children have their behaviours taken for granted in some classes and perceive more difficult children receive more rewards than they do.


  • Work with other Trust schools to ensure we are supportive of parents and compliant with new government guidance from September 2024.
  • Recognise and reward good individual attendance and punctuality and improved individual attendance and punctuality.

More individual attendance awards would be welcomed by some parents, whilst families who feel lower rates of attendance for their child are beyond their control often feel uncomfortable when discussing attendance. The formal nature and wording of standard attendance letters have also framed attendance support in a less positive light than intended in a few cases. As punctuality is rarely an ongoing issue for most pupils, parents don’t feel informed about it.

Building the Community

  • Map out assemblies, workshops, events, and performances for each term in 2024/25.
  • Promote membership or volunteer support of the reconstituted Parent-Teacher Association to add capacity to deliver events.

Whilst a large majority of parents feel welcome in school, many would welcome a return of parent lunches and the chance to work alongside their child or attend more frequent class assemblies. Parents appreciated PTA events and wondered about more beyond fairs and discos.

Parent Feedback

  • Continue to seek feedback and explain decisions, actions or inactions using the ‘You Said, We Did’ format.

Parents are least likely to agree that their feedback to the school has an impact – 39% positive, a further 34% stating ‘sometimes’ and 18% saying ‘not applicable’. They remain unclear how their child benefits by the school being part of the Trust.